
Andhra Pradesh Budget 2011-12

  Sri  ANAM  RAMANARAYANA  REDDYthe hon'ble finance minister of Andhra- Pradesh introduced the Budget  for the year 2011-12 in the assembly today, overall figures of the budget are as given below

                               OVERALL BUDGETARY POSITION 2011-12

                                                                                         (Rs. In Cr)
      Revenue Receipts                              100995.27

     Public Debt                                            26475.77

     Loan Recoveries                                       235.06

     Public Account (Net)                              1063.95

                                                 Total-    128770.05 Cr

    Revenue Expenditure                            97169.63 

    Capital Expenditure                               17854.54

    Public Debt Repayment                           9709.75

    Loans and Advances                                3808.10

                                                                Total-    128542.02 Cr

                                                   Net - Surplus :     228.03 Cr
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